№ | Номер запчасти, наличие, срок поставки |
Наименование | Кол-во | Цена |
1 | 2445 / 45-55 дней | Screw,btn hd,sems | 2 | 990 р. |
2 | 3088 / 45-55 дней | Screw,btn,hex sckt | 3 | 990 р. |
3 | 4790 / 45-55 дней | Screw,self-tap,torx/sstl | 4 | 990 р. |
4 | 7900 / 45-55 дней | Nut clip 1/4 | 4 | 990 р. |
5 | 67712-83B / 45-55 дней | Door,headlamp/chrm | 1 | 9 476 р. |
6 | 67716-60C / 45-55 дней | Gasket,headlamp door | headlamp door | 1 | 4 107 р. |
7 | 67721-48 / 45-55 дней | Screw,hdlamp ret ring | 3 | 990 р. |
8 | 67726-08 / 45-55 дней | Ring asy,hdlamp(po) | headlamp | 1 | 3 671 р. |
9 | 67778-60A / 45-55 дней | Spring, top | trim ring, headlamp, top (used with dual headlamp) (hdi, england) | 1 | 990 р. |
10 | 67780-60A / 45-55 дней | Spring,bottom,hdlamp door | trim ring, headlamp, bottom | 2 | 1 182 р. |
11 | 10200059 / 45-55 дней | Screw,torx sckt,btn hd x 1.75 | 2 | 990 р. |
12 | 10200060 / 45-55 дней | Screw,torx sckt,btn hd x 2.63 | 2 | 990 р. |
13 | 10200112 / 45-55 дней | Screw,1/4-20 x 2,btn hd | 1 | 990 р. |
14 | 10200156 / 45-55 дней | Screw,phillips,rnd hd,#8-32 x .38 | 1 | 990 р. |
15 | 29200007 / 45-55 дней | Bezel,air duct,outer-frng | air duct, outer fairing | 1 | 7 257 р. |
16 | 57000377 / 45-55 дней | Kit-hardware,frng | fairing, with 7900 and 29200007 | 1 | 9 346 р. |
17 | 57000383 / 45-55 дней | Kit, frng/flht, raw | outer, with 57000377 (unpainted) | 1 | 84 916 р. |
17 | 57000379EDR / 45-55 дней | Kit, frng,viv blk w/p/s | outer, with 57000377 (vivid black) | 1 | 127 369 р. |
17 | 57000379EFI / 45-55 дней | Fairing,fr,h-svce kit,pnstrp | outer, with 57000377 (twisted cherry) | 1 | 152 850 р. |
17 | 57000379EKU / 45-55 дней | Fairing,fr,h-svce kit,pnstrp | outer, with 57000377 (2 tone midnight blue/barracuda silver) | 1 | 171 046 р. |
17 | 57000379ELA / 45-55 дней | Kit, frng/h, wick red /brcda silv, ult | outer, with 57000377 (2 tone wicked red/barracuda silver) | 1 | 171 046 р. |
17 | 57000991ELD / 45-55 дней | Fairing,fr,h-svce kit,solid | outer, with 57000377 (kinetic green) | 1 | 190 450 р. |
17 | 57000992ELF / 45-55 дней | Fairing,fr,h-svce kit,pnstrp | outer, with 57000377 (2 tone scorched orange/black denim) | 1 | 190 450 р. |
17 | 57000992ELH / 45-55 дней | Fairing,fr,h-svce kit,pnstrp | outer, with 57000377 (2 tone silver flux/black fuse) | 1 | 190 450 р. |
18 | 57400002A / 45-55 дней | Windshield,clear/std,.177 | (clear) (england, hdi, japan, australia) | 1 | 30 763 р. |
18 | 57400001A / 45-55 дней | Windshield,clear/std,.125 | (clear) (domestic) | 1 | 30 763 р. |
19 | 61300089 / 45-55 дней | Cover,hdlite | (used with dual headlamp) (hdi, england) | 1 | 22 435 р. |
20 | 61400135 / 45-55 дней | Trim,headlamp | headlamp | 1 | 2 218 р. |
21 | 61400192 / 45-55 дней | Trim,headlight cover | headlight cover (used with dual headlamp) (hdi, england) | 1 | 2 871 р. |
22 | 67700060 / 45-55 дней | Headlite,led,dom/hdi,reg 113 | led, with 67721-48, 67726-08 and 67700204 (domestic, australia, japan | 1 | 136 834 р. |
23 | 67700124 / 45-55 дней | Bracket,hdlite cover | headlight cover (used with dual headlamp) (hdi, england) | 1 | 5 132 р. |
24 | 67700204 / 45-55 дней | Mounting ring asy | headlamp, with 3088 and 67700205 | 1 | 9 951 р. |
25 | 67700205 / 45-55 дней | Mounting ring | headlamp | 1 | 4 994 р. |